It is a well-known fact that young people learn more effectively and have better academic outcomes if they are happy in their work, believe in themselves and feel acknowledged and supported in their schools. As a school community we recognize the vital role that we play in the promotion of our student's wellbeing.
In Ballincollig Community School Student wellbeing is of paramount importance to us and for that reason we have built strong Pastoral Care structures to ensure that students feel happy, safe and supported by our staff, in our school environment at all times. These Structures include Class Tutors, Year Heads, Junior & Senior School Deputy Principals, Principal, SEN Department, Guidance Counsellor, Chaplain, Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Wellbeing committee & Meitheal Team. The Primary objective of the Pastoral care team is to ensure the wellbeing of every child in their care.

School Policies also act as a crucial element in ensuring a positive school environment. Many of our policies relate directly to Student Wellbeing, including:
Behaviour Policy
Homework Policy
Wellbeing Policy
Internet Safety Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Our School Curriculum also plays a pivotal role in ensuring the wellbeing of our students. Here in Ballincollig Community School our Junior Cycle students have the opportunity to learn about Wellbeing in the following subject areas:
Physical Education.
Social, Personal, and Health Education.
Civic, Social, Political and Education.
Wellbeing class.
Our dedicated Wellbeing classes offer students the opportunity to learn a variety of new topics and skills such as mind mapping, emotional intelligence, nutritional studies and digital awareness to name but a few.
At Senior Cycle the Curriculum continues to play a central role in ensuring the wellbeing of our pupils. Subject areas including Guidance, Physical Education, Social, Personal and Health Education and Religious Education all address key areas of wellbeing for Senior Cycle students.
Our Staff and Students also run various initiatives throughout the year which highlight and address issues which may impact students wellbeing. Such initiatives include Mental Health Week, Friendship Week, Anti-Bullying Week, YSI Junior Programme and the Pieta House Resilience Programme. Presentation talks to raise awareness about various issues including Internet Safety Presentations and Cyber Safety Presentations are also conducted. Finally, numerous initiatives are run within the school which have a positive impact on students wellbeing including extra-curricular activities, retreats, day trips and school tours.