Pastoral Care
Meet the Team
Gary O'Sullivan
Karen Forde
AnnMarie Whelan
Anne Flemming
In Ballincollig Community School Student wellbeing is of paramount importance to us and for that reason we have built strong Pastoral Care structures to ensure that students feel happy, safe and supported by our staff, in our school at all times. These Pastoral structures include Class Tutors, Year Heads, Junior & Senior School Deputy Principals, Principal, SEN Department, Guidance Counsellor, Chaplain, Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Wellbeing committee & Meitheal Team.
Year Head
The Year Head ensures the welfare of a year group so that learning, at every level of the person, is supported. The Year Head oversees the academic progress of students. They monitor behaviour, absenteeism and punctuality of students within their year group. Year Heads conduct Assemblies daily, which allows them to build a strong rapport with students within their group.
A year head is central to supporting students at risk, addressing the needs of vulnerable students & supporting students who are facing challenges inside and outside of school.
Communication is a vital for Year Heads to ensure that each student is cared for in a timely and appropriate manner. A Year Head facilitates Parental contact, meets with tutors on a regular basis and liases with the Principal and Deputy Principal of the school to discuss and review issues concerning the year group.
In an increasingly complex world where everyone is under more and more pressure the Chaplains office provides a safe haven where people can be themselves, vent their anger, cry their tears and express their hopes. The School
Chaplain is in the very privileged position of being able to walk part of life’s journey with the teachers, pupils, parents, staff and management here in Ballincollig Community School. The Chaplain shares in student’s sorrow, joy, anger and pain, provides support in difficult times. The
Chaplain is here to invite, to encourage and to support. Our Chaplain acknowledges the fears, hopes and needs of every member of the school community. Our School Chaplain’s door is always open to students, teachers and parents.
Guidance & Counselling
The Guidance office provides a listening safe place, where students discover their strengths, plan to achieve, accomplish and even excel. School can be the place where our students realise their self-worth, grow in self-confidence, build resilience and develop self-efficacy. Guidance Counselling plays a key role in the development of these intrapersonal skills.
The Guidance Suite is open for all our students, from newcomers to seniors and frequently past pupils seeking career change or simply a chat. Regardless of the individual’s need or problem, be it personal or educational, their varied strengths or weakness’, every student is welcome and every student will be supported.
Class Tutor
A Class Tutor is responsible for the care of an individual class group. A Class tutor will meet his/her class group on a weekly basis and will build a rapport with students within the group in order to promote learning. The role of a Tutor includes monitoring journal use, consulting with subject teachers when difficulties arise, monitoring behaviour, attendance & punctuality. A tutor will regularly liaise with Year Head and highlight any issues which are arising with individual pupils.