Student Council
Ballincollig Community School Student Council
Here in BCS we encourage students to utilise their voice and play an active role in many of the day to day issues that arise in the school. The Student Voice is engaged in the classroom in discussing the topics they are learning. This voice provides the teacher with a greater insight into how students are progressing and also provides for an active and engaging classroom.
Outside the classroom the Student Voice is encouraged 'to have a say' and an input into issues that affect them as integral members of the BCS Community.
The Student Council plays an essential role in this. Council members are elected by their classmates to represent them, who in turn voice their opinions, views and concerns to teachers and school management. This dialogue empowers the students allowing them to truly have a VOICE informing the direction of the development of their educational environment.
Aims of Ballincollig Community School Student Council:
· To ensure the development of student voice, student participation and student leadership is promoted and facilitated within BCS.
· To enhance communications between students, management, staff and parents.
· To promote friendship and respect among pupils.
· To support the management and staff in the development of the school e.g. Student Council involved in SSE and School Plan.
· To represent the views of the students on matters of general concern to them.