Get our app
Our school at your fingertips
Stay up to date with the latest school news and upcoming events. Receive important push notifications about short-notice changes and urgent information straight to your mobile device. Get directions to sporting events featured in our event calendar from within the app, watch the latest videos on the school's YouTube channel and find school contact details and other useful information.
Parents/guardians will be able to submit forms directly from the app.
Users who set up a profile (not mandatory) can chose for which news and event feeds they wish to receive push notifications. Users can save their content to their “favourites” and access them again later. The VS Ware portal is also accessible directly from the app. Download it now using the below links or simply go to the Apple app store or Google Play store and search for: "Ballincollig CS".
Important: To achieve the benefit of receiving important and useful push notifications, please ensure you:
Select “Allow” the app to send you push notifications when first downloading the app
Have selected “Allow Notifications” in your device’s Settings
Please note that Android users don’t require this step as push notifications are activated by default.
App tips & tutorials
Push Notification History
Push notifications that were sent to you on the basis of the group of app users to which you belong (parents of 1st year's for example), can be found in your notifications history.
How to save an article to your favourites
If you see an article in our news section on the app and would like to "bookmark" it for future reference, click into the article and then click on the star icon on the bottom right.
How to change your password
If you need to or want to change your password, go to your profile, click the cog wheel icon to get into "Settings" and from there, select "MODIFY" to change your password.
Need More Help?
Our app provider, screenzest digital is available to help you - please complete the form below with your request.